Frequently asked questions

  1. 1. What is Construction Business Directory Local Search?

    Construction Business Directory is registered in the USA and manages online business directories under the brand name of Local Search.

    Company registrations in our business directories are free and the presentation pages can usually be found in Search Engines within the first ten results.

    Construction Business Directory Local Search also displays business directories in other countries - for example, we’re also present in the USA, South Africa, Spain, Canada, Australia, Hungary, France, Italy, or the United Kingdom.

    Our directories serve as community portals. Registered companies can upload free video clips, photos, articles, news, products, and partnership requests, while users have the opportunity to evaluate the companies and review their products and services.

  2. 2. How can I add my company to Construction Business Directory Local Search?

    It’s totally free and easy to add a company to our business directory. From the home page, click on the "Add listing" link in the footer and simply fill in the required fields.

  3. 3. Can I add more branches of the same company to Construction Business Directory?

    If your company is represented in several places, you can easily add up to 10 branches, using the same registration process. If you have over 10 locations for your company, you can choose between 3 tools we developed to help you easily manage your online business presence.

  4. 4. How can I claim my company?

    On your company profile, there is a button called ‘Suggest an update’. Click on the link and edit the company description.

    If you need help, you can always send us a message via the contact form.

    Contact us

  5. 5. How can I update my business information on Construction Business Directory Local Search?

    There are two easy ways to update your business details:

    • If you haven’t claimed your listing yet, you can find a link called ‘Suggest an update’. Click on the link and edit the company description.
    • You can submit any information regarding your company through the contact form and we will make all the necessary changes to the description.

    If you need any help, you can always send us an email at the contact form.

  6. 6. Why aren’t my updates online?

    When using the Report incorrect data function from your company profile page, you have the possibility to ask for your company presentation page to be modified by filling the form. The updated information will be checked by one of our employees, before publishing it online. If your changes are not visible, it means the approval process hasn’t been completed yet.

  7. 7. How can I delete my company from Construction Business Directory Local Search?

    On your company profile, you can find a button marked ‘REPORT INCORRECT DATA’. Click on it, then from the drop-down list, choose 'Remove listing’. Simply click on the button, fill in the required fields and your business information will be removed from our directory once it is reviewed by one of our operators. The deletion process can only be done by the Construction Business Directory staff.

  8. 8. Why is there a difference in search results between companies with a detailed presentation page and companies without any information on their presentation page?

    Our business directories offer the same opportunities to every company, so they can present themselves with as little or as much detail as they wish. Companies can specify information about their products, services, opening hours, or add a logo, clips, or photos. A detailed presentation (company description and list of services and products) translates into better search results within Local Search and other search engines, such as Google.

  9. 9. Do you have a route planner?

    Yes, we do. When you’re on a company’s profile, simply click on the map and a pop-up will open. There you can enter your Starting point and Target destination, and the map will reveal the best route to arrive at your destination.

  10. 10. How do I correct the geographical location of my company on the map?

    Give us the exact coordinates of your company or just give us the exact address.

  11. 11. Why is the location arrow in the wrong place?

    The direct link between the map and the company’s address is created by automated software. It is possible that because of name similarity or the absence of a road on a map, another road with a similar name may be shown instead of the street you wanted. We apologize for the discomfort created.

  12. 12. Why is my company listed in Construction Business Directory Local Search if I never added it in this business directory?

    Construction Business Directory Local Search constantly monitors the public listing of companies on the Internet, which are recorded in our search system according to certain criteria and afterward displayed as search results. Our business directories value the most important aspects of local search, ensuring that a business’ information is consistent, accurate, and accessible throughout the web. In terms of functionality, our directory is not so different than other search engines, like Google, that collect data and display them in their pages of links. Of course, there is always the possibility for companies to be added to our directory by their representatives, using the ‘Register’ company button.

  13. 13. How can I subscribe or unsubscribe to the newsletter?

    If you would like to subscribe to or unsubscribe from our newsletter, please send us an email via the contact form.

  14. 14. How can I boost my company’s position in search results?

    There are a number of ways you can boost your company’s position in search results.

    • Categories (Relevance factor)
      Our ranking algorithm is based on categories and keywords. That's why you should add relevant keywords to your Construction Business Directory profile and double-check your categories.
    • Positive reviews (Review+ factor)
      Nothing proves your company's worth more than having happy customers. Why not make sure everybody knows about them? Ask you are satisfied clients to write a review about your company. You can do that by email after a successful business transaction or you can use our review widget to encourage them. For even more visibility, share the reviews on your social media profiles.
    • Accurate and new info (Freshness factor)
      Update your presentation page regularly. Correct and detailed information is a key factor. Even if there are no significant changes in your contact details, you can keep your page updated by always adding something new to it. Inform your clients about events, share articles and news, or simply add a new photo to your gallery.
    • Opening times (OH factor)
      Since this is one of the most requested details, the profiles that have opening hours will rank higher in our directory. FindOpen, our partner website will also display these opening hours.
    • Answer quote requests (RFQ factor)
      Sending offers for the quote requests that you receive from your business category has a positive impact because winning offers can also earn you a higher ranking in our directory, not to mention the new customers that you can gain. A review from a ' Quote Requests' customer has even more value.
    • Premium Entry
      Try the Premium Entry feature. For as little as $9,90/month, you can enjoy a premium listing in our directory, meaning your profile will appear ad-free and higher in search results.

    In short, it’s important to make sure you fill in the company presentation page and select the most relevant categories and keywords for your field of work. Always keep your information up to date and add as many details as you can: opening hours, promotions, posts about new items or services. The more keywords you insert into your company presentation page, the more search hits you’ll get in our database and in search engines like Google or Yahoo. Later on, if you want to add more keywords, click on the 'Sign In' button to enter your account, or fill in the form for the first data update by clicking the 'Edit your page' button from your company presentation page.

  15. 15. Why are keywords necessary?

    As a business, they're important because you want to come up in search engines when people search for the keywords or phrases that are relevant to your products or services. To stand a chance of being near the top of the results, you need to include those words and phrases in your profile. Think like a customer. Identify your target audience and put yourself into the shoes of a customer when you create your initial list of keywords. Keywords represent products, services, and brands that users search for. A larger keyword list could mean more appearances for your company in the search results. Select specific keywords to target specific customers E.g. if your company is a hotel the keywords could be: hotel, accommodation, etc. Using more specific keywords would mean that your listing only appears for terms that apply to your business. But keep in mind that if the keywords are too specific, you might not be able to reach as many people as you'd like.

  16. 16. What other free services does offer?

    Most of our products and services are free. On your presentation page, with the help of the 'Edit your page' button you can publish offers, articles, news, create a products and services catalog, upload video presentations, etc., all these services being optimized for Google search.

  17. 17. What are the advantages of being a Community member?

    By being part of the Community you can:

    • Post FREE quote requests
      The process is simple, all you need to do is to tell us what you need by filling a form and we’ll get you bids from local pros interested in the job. The ‘Quote Request’ platform matches your quote request to the most relevant companies in your area and contacts them. The free service enables you to receive quotations from multiple companies, in a matter of days.
    • Each review has a personal story
      Share your experiences to help others make better choices and help companies up their game.
      Post reviews and add ratings about the experience you had with different companies.
      The people who are part of the community or join our site are real people looking for a way to find trustworthy companies that perform high-quality work.
    • Find last minute business deals and special offers
      Get more value for your money. Discover the best deals and discount offers for businesses in your area and around the country.
    • Register business profiles
      List your business or claim a business profile created by a consumer or one of our partners. Stay in touch with your customers, bid on leads, and enjoy the perks of having a business profile. It’s FREE!
  18. 18. How can I change my profile details in Community?

    First of all, make sure you’re logged in. Then, on the upper right corner of the page, you can find your profile name. Simply click on it and you will be redirected to your profile page. From there you can edit your profile, view your quote requests or see reviews you’ve written, or you can add companies to manage with your profile.

  19. 19. Is free?

    When we say our business directory is free, we really mean free. There are no hidden fees or charges. Right from the start, creating your company presentation page, uploading images of your products, benefitting from the offers, and everything else is absolutely free. The directory is entirely funded by discreet adverts placed around the site. We don’t have anything to sell and we don’t want you to buy anything. Our services do not have any obligations or conditions.

  20. 20. What are Tagline Promotions?

    Tagline Promotions help businesses attract customers and have a better ranking in the search results.

  21. 21. What do you need to be on the Top Companies List?

    The top companies list is based on a score put together by several factors, such as audit reports, visibility index on and search engines, third-party or reviews. Ask for a free audit to see if your company can be on this list by simply sending us an email via the contact form.

  22. 22. How do rich search results work?

    When you install widget on your website, we also add some markups to your page along with the widget, according to Google’s requirements, to represent your total rating. Google will index it the next time it crawls your website and should display your pages containing the widget along with your star rating on search results.

  23. 23. Do you have any business directories abroad? Local Search is available in the following countries:

    Great Britain